Book that consultation for dental implants in St John’s Wood

There are so many reasons for not booking a consultation for dental implants in St John’s Wood with us at Aura Dental. Here are a few we bet are running through your mind:

  • The treatment is too painful
  • I have been without teeth too long for them to be any good for me
  • One dentist has already told me I can’t have them
  • They won’t last long and I can’t afford to get them replaced
  • They are too big an outlay.

Dental Implants in St Johns WoodAll good reasons, but all not good enough.

Painful? Nope

Actually, getting dental implants in St John’s Wood is not a painful experience. We make sure you are completely numb with a local anaesthetic, which is plenty as there are far fewer nerves in the jawbone than in the teeth.

Ways to fix jawbones up

Maybe you have already been told you can’t have dental implants in St John’s Wood because your jawbone has deteriorated, because you have been without teeth for some time or because you have had advanced gum disease, or uncontrolled diabetes. Times move on and these days we can give you a bone graft or a sinus lift to solve jawbone issues and if you have your diabetes under control, we can help. Come and get a second opinion.

Short-term treatment

The alternative ways of getting teeth replaced – dentures or fixed bridgework – only last for 7-10 years, dental implants last for at least 15 years if you take good care of them. In fact, as long as you are on the case with oral hygiene, there’s no reason why the implant posts should not last decades, even if you do need to get worn out porcelain crowns replaced. If you have several decades of living to get through, dental implants could even work out cheaper than the alternatives.

What goes on in a consultation

Our implant surgeon will take an in-depth look at your mouth, especially at your jawbone. We need to see what condition it is in and whether you will need preparatory treatments such as bone grafts or sinus lifts. Expect x-rays, maybe scans and a lot of questions about your health history.