Category: Dental implants

Great new teeth

If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well and that could not be truer than for getting replacement teeth. The latest generation of replacement teeth is dental implants. In St John’s Wood, you can get them with us at Aura Dental.

We love fitting people with dental implants in St John’s Wood because we know they will be getting the nearest thing that modern dentistry can get to natural teeth. In comparison, older styles of replacement teeth, dentures and bridges, leave a lot to be desired in terms of how well they chew, how they affect the other teeth and how long they last.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodGet the root

The big difference with dental implants in St John’s Wood is that they replace the root of the tooth and not just the crown. Being able to do this did not become possible until the 1950s when a Swedish scientist discovered how well the body bonds with titanium. It took a while for dental implants to be ready to be launched, but they have been increasingly available for the past 30 years and now they have become mainstream, and very versatile as dentists have experimented with them to increase their capabilities.

Dentures and bridges only replace the crowns of lost teeth. Dentures get their stability, such as it is, by trying to get suction onto the gums. It doesn’t always work very well, especially as the gums recede and the jawbone shrinks when there are no tooth roots to keep bone cells renewing themselves. Bridges get their stability by piggybacking on neighbouring teeth, which have to be ground down and made into buttresses. You kiss goodbye to even more teeth when you have a bridge.

With dental implants, you get roots. And roots mean you can get back all the chewing power of your original teeth. That means you can eat apples without having cut them up first. You can eat roast meats, roast potatoes, nuts. All the stuff that makes life worth living.

Along with all this freedom comes longevity. You can expect your dental implants in St John’s Wood to last for at least 15 years, maybe decades.

Fill the gap at Aura Dental

People find themselves with gaps in their teeth for all sorts of reasons, the two most common being loss of a tooth due to gum disease or experiencing a knock to the tooth causing it to fall out during an accident.

If you find yourself with a gap in the teeth, it may well be worth considering going for dental implants in St John’s Wood. Here at Aura Dental, we provide the means to get you looking and feeling like you again, whether that’s one tooth, multiple teeth, or you have all your teeth missing.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodHow does it work

Dental implants in St John’s Wood are an increasingly popular option for those wanting to fill the gap in their smile, as they provide a solution that most closely represents the natural tooth, from the root to the crown.

The first step is to come for a consultation where we can thoroughly examine your mouth and see what type of treatment you need, and if you are suited to treatment.

Generally, if you maintain good oral health, most people are suited to treatment. However, we need to make sure that there is enough bone in the jaw to support the implant as the bone needs to mesh with the new material.

You know the drill

The next step is the treatment itself. This is the bit that people may be most apprehensive about, and understandably so. You may be comforted to know that we use a local anaesthetic to help numb the pain. If you have any concerns about treatment, please let us know so we can tell you all you need to know, and hopefully help put you at ease.

Once inserted, the implant is left to heal and allow the bone and blood vessels to mesh with the implant. This provides a strong base for the new tooth.

Teeth in a day

Getting dental implants in St John’s Wood doesn’t have to be as much of a mission as it sounds. We provide teeth in a day, replacing an arch with a fixed bridge in just one visit.

During treatment, any remaining teeth may be extracted, and 4-6 implants placed to replace them.

Modern teeth for modern living

Would you still have a black and white TV, or even one of those giant colour sets from the 90s that took up almost a whole room, when you can have a smart TV on the wall? Of course not, they couldn’t do half the things today’s TVs can do. So, why would you bother with first or second-generation tooth replacement options when you can get dental implants in St John’s Wood?

Replacing teeth has been an area of research and development for thousands of years. It started off with dentures, made of bone, of wood, even of other’s people’s teeth, held together with wires, then on galvanised rubber. Then along came fixed bridgework, where replacement teeth were suspended from other teeth which acted like the buttresses at either end of a bridge.

Dental Implants in St Johns WoodNow we have dental implants, which in the way they work, have ironed out most of the issues that technology was not advanced enough to solve with dentures and bridges.

What’s so great about dental implants in St John’s Wood?

The big difference between dental implants and dentures and bridgework is that dental implants replace the whole tooth. Dentures and bridges only replace the crowns of the teeth, the white biting and chewing parts. They rely on either suction to the gums or attachment to neighbouring healthy teeth to stay in place and to bite and chew. Neither is ideal.

Suction to the gums is only about 25% as good as having tooth roots, even when dentures fit really well. Most patients can forget about having a good steak or biting into a crunchy roast potato. And suction gets worse as the gums recede and the jawbone shrinks, so people nearly always end up having to have their dentures relined to get them to stay still in their mouths.

Bridges are more stable but only at the cost of losing two perfectly good teeth to make them. These have to be ground down so that buttress crowns can be fitted over the top of them. And if those teeth fail, then the bridge fails too.

At Aura Dental, dental implants in St John’s Wood give great support and never affect the rest of your teeth.

Book that consultation for dental implants in St John’s Wood

There are so many reasons for not booking a consultation for dental implants in St John’s Wood with us at Aura Dental. Here are a few we bet are running through your mind:

  • The treatment is too painful
  • I have been without teeth too long for them to be any good for me
  • One dentist has already told me I can’t have them
  • They won’t last long and I can’t afford to get them replaced
  • They are too big an outlay.

Dental Implants in St Johns WoodAll good reasons, but all not good enough.

Painful? Nope

Actually, getting dental implants in St John’s Wood is not a painful experience. We make sure you are completely numb with a local anaesthetic, which is plenty as there are far fewer nerves in the jawbone than in the teeth.

Ways to fix jawbones up

Maybe you have already been told you can’t have dental implants in St John’s Wood because your jawbone has deteriorated, because you have been without teeth for some time or because you have had advanced gum disease, or uncontrolled diabetes. Times move on and these days we can give you a bone graft or a sinus lift to solve jawbone issues and if you have your diabetes under control, we can help. Come and get a second opinion.

Short-term treatment

The alternative ways of getting teeth replaced – dentures or fixed bridgework – only last for 7-10 years, dental implants last for at least 15 years if you take good care of them. In fact, as long as you are on the case with oral hygiene, there’s no reason why the implant posts should not last decades, even if you do need to get worn out porcelain crowns replaced. If you have several decades of living to get through, dental implants could even work out cheaper than the alternatives.

What goes on in a consultation

Our implant surgeon will take an in-depth look at your mouth, especially at your jawbone. We need to see what condition it is in and whether you will need preparatory treatments such as bone grafts or sinus lifts. Expect x-rays, maybe scans and a lot of questions about your health history.

How we can offer new teeth to those who have lost hope

Given the increasing average life expectancy nowadays, it’s no wonder people are outliving their teeth. Yes, we would all love our teeth to last forever, and we will help you do that wherever possible, but it isn’t always going to happen. Life tends to throw curve balls such as dental trauma, unexpected tooth decay or erosion that sometimes can’t be fixed without replacing teeth. Good news is, here at Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, dental implants are available to replace problem teeth. Replacing damaged teeth is really important as they can have a negative impact on your chewing or appearance. On another level, if you have missing teeth, it is important to replace them to keep your jawbone in good condition and save neighbouring teeth from moving or falling out too.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodDental implants explained

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots made from titanium. They are fitted during a minor operation, which can be carried out under local anaesthetic at our dental practice in St John’s Wood. Dental implants are recognised by your jawbone as real teeth. This means your jawbone and gums will keep their usual healthy function once they are fitted into your mouth. The implants themselves are the replacement tooth root, on top we will fit a natural-looking crown. This crown will be matched to your other teeth.

Need a full set of teeth replaced?

Let us introduce Teeth in a Day

Teeth in a Day is a procedure that allows us to replace a whole arch, or two arches of either missing or failing teeth in one visit. The treatment involves fitting a number of dental implants plus a temporary arch of teeth in one appointment. For denture wearers, this allows you to be free of your dentures in one visit with dental implants in St John’s Wood.

Fitting Teeth in a Day

If you have some remaining teeth, we will first extract them. Then, in the same appointment, we will place 4-6 dental implants in your jaw. Next, your pre-made temporary bridge is attached to your new implants. Visit us again 4–6 months later, once your implants have become attached to your jawbone, and we will fit your final, custom-made bridge.

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants

Did you know it is possible to replace a whole arch, even both arches of missing teeth with a fixed set of teeth in one visit to the dentist? This is possible with dental implants in St John’s Wood. We all hope that our teeth will last a lifetime, however, trouble-free teeth are not always the reality. Sometimes people lose their teeth in an accident, others to decay or gum disease. It is important to replace missing teeth, otherwise numerous problems can occur later including further tooth loss, drifting teeth, jawbone loss, and in some cases loss of correct facial structure.

Dental Implants in St John’sWhat are dental implants?

A fantastic solution is dental implants in St John’s Wood. Dental implants are replacement tooth roots that are fixed into your jawbone. They are strong and secure. New realistic-looking teeth can be fitted on top of these implants. Once in place, they will not fall out or move around in your mouth.

Getting dental implants in St John’s Wood with us at Aura Dental requires minor surgery to extract any remaining teeth and to insert dental implants into your jaw. The good news is, usually one implant can support a number of replacement teeth. We usually use 4-6 implants to fix a whole arch bridge in place. In the case of full arches, the initial bridge is temporary, as a few months will need to pass before the final bridge can be worn. In this few months, the implants heal and fuse with your jawbone to become a strong and secure base for the full teeth arches.

Why dental implants?

Traditional dentures are a less expensive solution for replacing missing teeth; even so, many people choose dental implants instead. Why is this? Dental implants are comparable to natural teeth, protecting your jawbone from becoming redundant and shrinking. Your body accepts dental implants as natural teeth. In the cases of replacing single teeth, they should be cleaned just like natural teeth, and they will feel just like your natural teeth. Implants are predictable and secure, unlike dentures, which can become loose over time leading to slippage.

For more information on dental implants, why not give us a call today?

Please mind the gap

Many people agree that the most noticeable thing about having missing teeth is how it affects your smile. If you have one or two front teeth missing, it can make you feel very self-conscious. Going for dental implants in St John’s Wood can help you to smile to be carefree again.

On the other hand, you may not feel so negatively about the gap in their teeth. You may embrace it or view it as character building. Or perhaps the teeth have fallen out at the back, and your smile isn’t quite as shocking.

Dental Implants St Johns WoodWhile it’s great that you may not feel too unconfident in your appearance, we advise that you don’t ignore the gap for too long, as you can still benefit from going for dental implants in St John’s Wood. In the long run, tooth loss can have serious consequences for your oral health.

When one tooth is missing, the other teeth notice. Adjacent teeth may begin to start moving into the new space, or the opposing teeth in the upper jaw may protrude into the gap. This makes the teeth harder to clean and may lead to decay and inflammation.

You will also be likely to notice a change in your ability to eat certain foods. Missing teeth will make food harder to chew and digest properly, meaning you don’t get all the nutrients you need if you cut certain foods from your diet. Besides this, no one wants to limit their choice on the menu. Going for dental implants in St John’s Wood will allow you to go on eating all the tasty varieties life has to offer.

Why dental implants?

Dental implants are a great solution, as they mimic your natural teeth. The implant acts as the root of the tooth, providing a strong foundation for the crown, without compromising the health of the surrounding teeth.

Here at Aura Dental, we offer solutions to suit your specific needs, whether you are missing one tooth, multiple teeth, or all your teeth. If you are looking to fill the gap in your smile, we’ll be happy to hear from you and see if dental implants in St John’s Wood are the best option for you.

Lost your smile?

Tooth loss can be devastating because an essential part of your smile has been taken away. Losing a tooth or several teeth can happen for different reasons, including old age or dental trauma. Once you have experienced tooth loss, there is no point looking back and regretting what you could have done better, especially if it happened naturally. Instead, you might need to look to the future of your oral health and consider dental implants in St John’s Wood as an option.

Dental Implants St Johns WoodAt Aura Dental, we sympathise with any concerns or worries that might be holding you back from treatment. Procedures such as these can be daunting, but getting to grips with the procedure itself and knowing what will happen on your journey to a healthier smile can ease your fears. We like to make sure that you feel comfortable before, during and after your treatment, which is why our friendly dentist will always prioritise your wellbeing.

Getting to know dental implants in St John’s Wood

So, by becoming familiar with the procedure, you might just be relieved of your fear of the unknown. At Aura Dental, we offer treatments that cover tooth loss to suit your needs, as every experience is different and unique.

In St John’s Wood, dental implants themselves are used to cover the loss of one tooth or several teeth. They essentially act as artificial roots, placed by an experienced dentist into the part of your jawbone where a tooth is missing. The implant will be given time to heal and fuse with the bone, before it is secure enough to fit a natural-looking replacement tooth to blend in with your natural teeth. Multiple implants will be used to replace lost teeth if needs be.

Teeth in a day is a treatment usually suitable for patients who have lost a whole arch or both arches of their teeth. When you receive your implants, you will be given a pre-made temporary bridge for you to wear while the implants integrate with the bone. About four to six months later, your implants will have healed and your final bridge will be fitted.

Do you have no time for dental implants?

If you are a busy person and, let’s face the fact that most of us are these days, then you want to be able to save time in all sorts of ways. This includes how many times you have to go to the dentist.

Replacing all your teeth with dental implants is a process that cannot be rushed but appointments can be minimised depending on the individual case.

If a full set of teeth need to be replace, you don’t have to wait weeks for your crowns. You can get an entire arch of dental implants in St John’s Wood fitted at the same time as your initial implant surgery with a technique known as teeth-in-a-day implants.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodWhat are teeth-in-a-day implants?

This great technique replaces all the teeth on one arch with a fixed bridge that is attached to either four or six implants. It’s usually the latter in the upper arch because of the gravity issue. If you need to have teeth removed, we can do this in the same appointment and also provide bone augmentation at this point if you need it.

Once the implants are in, we will fit you with a temporary bridge which is custom-made to fit you by one of our lab technicians.

It will take 4-6 months for your implants to integrate with your jawbone, but this happens with teeth attached. You need to go slowly with eating just as you would if you had traditional implant surgery.

When your integration period is complete, you come back for a much shorter appointment so that we can fit your final, metal-reinforced bridge.

If you would like to find out more about teeth-in-a-day dental implants in St John’s Wood, please book a free consultation with us. It could change your life.

When missing teeth means you miss out

Missing your teeth can often mean hiding your smile. No one should have to face the fear of missing out, especially when it comes to smiling, but have you ever considered dental implants? At Aura Dental, we don’t want tooth loss to affect your confidence, so our friendly dentists offer different treatments to help fill in the gaps.

Dental Implants in St. John’s WoodIt doesn’t matter if you’re missing one tooth or all of your teeth because dental implants can cover the loss of any number of teeth by replacing your missing teeth, this means that both your smile and oral health are at an advantage. The gaps left by missing teeth means that the healthy surrounding teeth can shift over time and they are even at risk of falling out too. As sturdy replacements, dental implants can give you back the chewing ability that you lost. This can improve your quality of life, allowing you to eat the foods you had to avoid before.

Dental implants in detail

Dental implants appear like your natural teeth and are sturdy enough to protect the remaining bone. Implants work as artificial roots and are made of small metal screws that are placed into the jawbone. Once it has fused with the jawbone, the implant can anchor a natural-looking replacement.

At Aura Dental, we understand that a trip to the dentist can be nerve-wrecking for some. In St John’s Wood, we make sure that you are in a relaxed environment, where you feel comfortable enough to tell one of our dentists about the part of treatment that scares you. By going through the treatment in detail, the dentist can hopefully put your mind at rest. If you are feeling especially nervous, we can also discuss options that will make you feel at ease, such as types of sedation. That way, you feel comfortable while you go through treatment.

If you are missing teeth and it’s getting you down, then do your smile a favour by considering dental implants in St. John’s Wood. At Aura Dental, we can’t wait to put the confidence back into your well-earned smile.