Aura Dental

Anxious Patients

Aura Dental £ St. John's Wood 020 7722 0040 Aura Dental

Quote Left Seriously highly recommended as a nervous patient of 22 years. First visit, David got me in the chair (I had never sat in a chair in over 22 years) and I haven't looked back. Thank you Quote Right


At Aura Dental, we understand that many patients are nervous about visiting the dentist. Our staff are sympathetic and experienced in working with nervous patients and will always take your concerns seriously.

There are many causes of fear or phobia of the dentist. You may have had a bad experience in the past, or may have heard exaggerated horror stories from family or friends. There may be a specific trigger for your fear, such as the sight of a needle, the sounds of the drill or the smells of a dental practice. You may fear not being in control, or worry about being judged if you haven’t visited a dentist in many years.

Whatever the cause of your fear, Aura Dental will do everything we can to help you overcome it. We believe that everyone deserves a healthy, happy smile and you will always be treated with care, respect and professionalism.

Our clinic has been designed to create a peaceful, soothing and calm environment specifically with your needs in mind. From the moment you enter our patient lounge our aim is for you to feel relaxed and comfortable. You can listen to your favourite music through headphones while having treatment to aid relaxation and we will provide you with hand signals to indicate that you need a break at any time during treatment.

We also offer the option of referral to a hypnotist, who can help you overcome your fear of the dentist.

Oral sedation is a good option for patients who are afraid of needles. You will feel relaxed and unbothered by your treatment, but will not be asleep so will be able to cooperate with your dentist.

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