The modern way to get new teeth

If you are starting to lose your teeth then you need to know what options are available for replacing them. Times have moved on and now you can get dental implants in St John’s Wood, as well as the more traditional replacement teeth options such as bridges and dentures.

You may never have heard of dental implants in St John’s Wood before, but they have in fact been around for over 30 years now. They have moved from an exciting, experimental treatment to a tried and trusted one that offers effective, long-lasting and versatile ways to replace lost teeth.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodDon’t delay

Having dental implants in St John’s Wood relies on having a good jawbone. This is because your implants will be inserted into your jawbone, where the titanium implant needs to integrate with the bone tissue. New tissue grows all over the implant, over a period of about two months, holding it in place as securely as a natural tooth.

However, as soon as you lose a tooth, the area of bone around where the root used to be is no longer stimulated by vibrations coming down through the tooth root. The bone cells think they are no longer needed and the bone starts to resorb pretty quickly. You can lose as much as 25% of your bone tissue there within the first year of tooth loss. Dentists do have ways to restore the bone, with bone grafting, but treatment is much simpler if you come along soon after losing a tooth.

This loss of bone tissue is also why dentures, however well they fit at the start, tend to end up sliding around in your mouth. The bone and gum they grip onto recede.

Clever ways with dental implants in St John’s Wood

Dental implants can be used to replace one, a few or all of your teeth. One implant will hold up to three crowns, and there are techniques using longer implants, inserted at angles at the back of the jawbone, that allow dentists to install an entire arch of crowns on only four to six implants.

The best way to find out if dental implants are right for you is to book a consultation.