Long-lasting replacement teeth

If you suffer from missing teeth in St John’s Wood, dental implants will provide natural-looking replacements. At Aura Dental, we have a lot of experience in giving patients these high-quality substitute teeth in a wide range of tooth loss situations. Whether you’ve had a single front tooth knocked out while playing sports, or several teeth have failed over many years, dental implants are a fully-functioning solution.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodThe stages of dental implants in St John’s Wood

The process begins with an in-depth consultation at our relaxing dental practice. The team will talk to you about your dental history and assess your oral health. It’s important to have healthy teeth and gums and sufficient jawbone density before treatment can begin. Some preliminary work might be needed to prepare you to receive the implants. The team will take precise measurements of your teeth and mouth and create a meticulous treatment plan.

Then comes the minor surgical procedure, during which the dentist will place small titanium posts into your jawbone. After a short period of rest, you’ll return to the practice to have the new teeth affixed to the implanted posts. These teeth are customised to look natural and perform effectively. From start to finish, the treatment can take several months.

Healthy future

Having dental implants in St John’s Wood brings numerous oral health benefits:

  • The jawbone meshes with the screw-like titanium posts, securely anchoring the new teeth in the mouth so you can use them just like natural ones. You’ll have no more worries about biting into and chewing your favourite foods;
  • Unlike with removable dentures, there’s no need to use dental adhesives;
  • The new teeth are easy to clean – brush and floss as normal;
  • Your smile will have much more aesthetic appeal;
  • You may find the stability of the new teeth makes certain words and phrases easier to pronounce;
  • Your facial bone structure will retain its robustness. You won’t develop the sunken look associated with tooth loss.

Long-lasting benefits

If you look after them properly in St John’s Wood, dental implants will last for decades. It’s a procedure that can significantly enhance your quality of life.